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The PCG-PARABILIS lines of general-purpose transimpedance amplifiers are an excellent choice for those who demand high performance at an affordable price. With their impressive performance standards, these amplifiers are able to meet or even exceed those of their competitors while being more budget-friendly.
The standout features of the PCG-PARABILIS line include their variable gain range, which spans 6 decades and ranges from 10 kohm to 1 Gohm feedback resistor. The current noise densities at each gain level closely approach their theoretical limits, and the maximum signal bandwidth extends up to 1 MHz. Additionally, the input voltage noise is impressively low, measuring at just 4 nV/√Hz. This level of flexibility allows for precise tuning of the gain to best suit the specific needs of any given application.


  • 4.3 fA/√Hz input current noise

  • 1.2 MHz maximum signal bandwidth

  • 100 uV/A ~ 1n A/V variable sensitivity range

  • 4 nV/√Hz input voltage noise

  • Stable up to 1 nF Source capacitance

  • Compact 5.5'' x 2.4'' x 1.8'' and 7 oz

  • S and F models available

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